
What is Rishi Dharma ?

Rishi Dharma Foundation is a registered Trust (Registration No : 115/2017) . It is devoted to the propagation of Sanskrit and Tamil literature which have been prevalent from ancient days.

It aims at creating a special taste in the writings of great philosophers starting from Rishis of yore till recent writers of similar taste. This Trust is pained to note the degeneration of Indian culture, values and character among the younger generation.

It realizes that to tolerate such an indifferent attitude of the changing society towards our ancient culture is unforgivable. So the main motto of 'Rishi Dharma Foundation' is to bring about renaissance of the forgotton Indian values among the present and forthcoming society.

Rishi Dharma's audieance are distributed everywhere in the globe and are supporting it by their applause.

D.A.Joseph, the founder of this non-profit movement is struggling hard to spread Vedic ideas to every nook and corner in person as well as through his world famous website:

Already Rishi Dharma Foundation has launched many lectures on You Tube and brought out to light, forgotten Sanskit proverbs through Whats app- entitled 'Vedic Voice'. It is totally free of cost. Join the group and add more members. Help Sanathana Dharma grow! To join vedic voice click here.

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You say that Hinduism is the greatest religion. Can you prove it?
